Saturday, May 14, 2011


This is not a competition, whoever told you that it was
Is it something deep inside you, that makes you want to win because
You think a prize is what’s in store, a trophy, money, medallion shiny
You think you must be all important; this to you is what’s defining

This is not a competition, what made you think that anyway
You are so obsessed with winning, taking everything away
From those around you, innocent, of competition and desire
Those who simply want to try, to live for good, for something higher

This is not a competition, a bad foundation from the start
Implies we’re all against each other, builds certain strengths, but kills the heart
Compromise and cooperation, will outlast any competition
Emotion, love, togetherness, are useful in all situations

This is not a competition, so strengths admired can be varied
Can be soft, yet strong and tender, illuminate and also carry
Others with them, peacefully, inclusive, weakness will not matter
Truth shines forth, like a beacon, once false beliefs begin to shatter

This is not a competition; I know that because I’ve had to follow
Someone stronger, someone wiser, someone who already knows
But then at times of personal strength, I have myself become a leader
For the wisdom that I’ve gained is valuable, by some is needed

This is not a competition, if you laugh and scoff at me
Your pride is strong, belief unchanging, obviously you cannot see
So blind yourself, go right ahead, but it hurts you and everyone
And you’ll be humbled painfully, before your journey is quite done

This is not a competition; I’ve learned that in so many ways
I’ve won, I’ve lost, I realize that this life is so not a game
Yes there’re teams, both good and bad, of that I am most positive
So pick your team, according to, which way you ultimately want to live

This is not a competition; it’s a journey to be taken
Join with others, see with vision, and your soul, it will awaken
With your teammates, help each other, lift and pull and stride and strive
Leave none behind that want to join you, keeping brotherhood alive

This is not a competition, although it’s true, there’s losing, winning
But “winners” sometimes get their way, by using others and by sinning
And so on you and your life view, it seriously will depend
It’s not about a win or lose, but the team you choose, in the end


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