Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I wished I'd worn
The boots of angels
So that I
Had walked the sky

Or fluttered downy
Hands of birds, and
Having done so fly

At least leaped
Like a squirrel
Branch to branch
Gave it a try
- Don

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


How elusive completion is, but that’s no reason not to finish
Don’t be afraid to begin again, each try is like a root taking hold
You feel it each time you stretch yourself, or start over
These are the times you show yourself and everyone around you
What you are made of, you can be trusted, relied on and not fear
But each day you wake, you must renew this new belief
Every time you fall and forget your newfound strength, exercise yourself
Rise up, head held high, breathe deep and slow and stand strong
Aim for your target, reach for your dreams, believe in yourself

- Anonymous

The little dissatisfaction which every artist feels at the completion of a work forms the germ of a new work.

- Berthold Auerback

When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live.

- Greg Anderson


We all want to be loved and acknowledged for what we have to offer.  Yet, we don’t always appreciate what others have to offer us.  So learn to be in harmony with what is around you.  Be quiet, sit back, observe, be open to differences, learning and change, and see exactly what is occurring before you.  At times, you won’t immediately recognize that it may be precisely what you need.  Is this coincidence or fate?   Everything and everyone in your life has a possible purpose and deserves attention on some level.  Don't make the mistake of embracing knowledge in lieu of experience.  Experience life.  Knowledge without experience is incomplete.  True knowledge never ends, pays attention and is pliable, may we always be surprised to learn we didn't know it all.  May we always be willing to alter our opinions or to add to the knowledge we already possess, when a truth is presented to us.  Truth is the only constant.  Be as a child, not set in your ways, but open to new ideas, thoughts and feelings.  Let go of cynicism and instead practice discernment.  Always be learning, listening, and growing.  Never stop becoming.

- liz

March 25, 2009

Monday, March 19, 2012


Brother to Brother

May I say something to inspire you, brother?
You have a perfect spirit in your mind.
T’will lead you on from one end to the other
Of this colossal universe—so wide.
You have a loving seraphim to guide you
And God the Father loves you from afar.
He lives within your heart and He will guide you
Beyond the farthest planet, brightest star
And galaxy throughout his vast dominions.
A universal school is what you’ll find
When you leave off enrollment in these regions
And rise to firmaments of Perfect Mind.
God lives within your soul, and He will lead you,
And should you wish to pray, He’ll surely heed you.

-D. E. Glass

Monday, March 5, 2012

Faith & Conviction

"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything" - Alexander Hamilton

"Behold the turtle. He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out.” - J. B. Conant.

"Complete trust or confidence in someone or something." - definition

"How may people do you know that you can completely trust?  Sadly, it is inevitably a small percentage." - L. A.

"Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith." - H. W. Beecher

"The only faith that wears well and holds its color in all weathers is that which is woven of conviction and set with the sharp mordant of experience." - J. R. Lowell

"If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time. And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm." - Mohandas Gandhi

Love & Family

Especially for me and my family: When we feel love and kindness towards others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace. And there are ways in which we can consciously work to develop feelings of love and kindness. For some of us, the most effective way to do so is through religious practice. For others it may be non-religious practices. What is important is that we each make a sincere effort to take our responsibility for each other and for the natural environment we live in seriously.
- Dalai Lama, 14th

The smile is the beginning of love - Mother Theresa ♥

Peace, in the sense of the absence of war, is of little value to someone who is dying of hunger or cold. It will not remove the pain of torture inflicted on a prisoner of conscience. It does not comfort those who have lost their loved ones in floods caused by senseless deforestation in a neighbouring country. Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where... individuals and nations are free. True peace with oneself and with the world around us can only be achieved through the development of mental peace. The other phenomena mentioned above are similarly interrelated. Thus, for example, we see that a clean environment, wealth or democracy mean little in the face of war, especially nuclear war, and that material development is not sufficient to ensure human happiness. Inner peace is the key: if you have inner peace, the external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace and tranquility. In that state of mind you can deal with situations with calmness and reason, while keeping your inner happiness. That is very important. Without this inner peace, no matter how comfortable your life is materially, you may still be worried, disturbed or unhappy because of circumstances - Dalai Lama, 14th