Wednesday, April 11, 2012


What is submission, is it to give in
Is it to give up, never to win
Is it for the weak, the feeble-minded
Or for the strong, the most determined
Is it a compromise, a trust to form
Choose to submit, be forewarned
Submission to those who desire to use
Is but unhappiness, each will lose
How courageous it is to give of will
A difficult struggle, climbing a hill
Submit to the Savior, our cup to fill
Submit to the Spirit, when we are still
Submit to the Love we feel for each other
As a small child, submits to his mother
Submit to a loved one, to eventual death
Submit to obedience, giving your best
Submission can be a beautiful task
When it creates a bond that will last
Submit to your Lord, submit all your will
Trust in His care, His gift on the hill
He submitted completely, the Greatest of all
He submitted for man, because of the fall
Give all you can, give to others until
You’ve given enough, for He gave you free will

- Liz

The Savior showed us a great example of such a prayer of submission. He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane as He worked out the Atonement that His Father’s will would be done. He knew that His Father’s will would be for Him to do what was so painful and so terrible that we cannot comprehend it. He prayed not simply to accept the Father’s will but to do it. He showed us the way to pray in perfect and determined submission.  - Henry B Eyring

The total submission of our will to His is one of the most difficult obstacles we face on our journey toward eternal life. - Lowell D Wood

The Savior’s perfect submission to the Eternal Father is the very essence of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Christ’s example teaches us that a broken heart (versus a proud heart) is an eternal attribute of godliness. When our hearts are broken, we are completely open to the Spirit of God and recognize our dependence on Him for all that we have and all that we are. The sacrifice so entailed is a sacrifice of pride in all its forms. Like malleable clay in the hands of a skilled potter, the brokenhearted can be molded and shaped in the hands of the Master. - Bruce D Porter

As we come unto Christ, we must surrender our worldly ways, our pride, and our selfishness. As we yield to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we should experience a “mighty change in [our] hearts” (Alma 5:14)  - Lowell D Wood

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