Tuesday, April 5, 2011


This is first and foremost about my own depression, take from it what meaning you wish...

When we allow our weaknesses to overcome us, the result is simply weakness, void of personality. The weaknesses consume and then define us.

I have witnessed this on a personal level, both in myself and others.

Conversely, when we strive to strengthen ourselves, the result is an awakening, an increased desire for continued growth.  The strengths become who we are and then define us.

Choosing the path of strength overcoming weakness, symbolizes courage.


Crossing the bridge that is not even built, is courage.



  1. "Courage" ...I love that word. It does take courage to rise above our weaknesses.

  2. :) Thanks liz, this is a good reminder. Last year was definitely my most depressed time. Death smelled so sweet. But I built my own bridge over the chasm that threatened to take my life despite what everyone else was shouting and what I had always believed. It led to a level of happiness and growth I have never experienced. I feel as though I have gotten a bit complacent lately though. I am letting work take over my life at the cost of halting progression and growth. I need to make some changes...
