Saturday, April 2, 2011


Isn't life just completely fascinating.  It's so interesting and sad watching relationships develop and/or die.  It's funny/strange that sometimes it is so difficult to get along, seemingly insurmountable chasms develop.  We are all so busy defending our own feelings, beliefs, lifestyles, we don't take the time to accept, understand and really embrace other people's points of view.  Even people that you think would be so tolerant, because of what they attest to be or believe, or to have experienced, can be judgmental and closed-minded.  I have heard the statement, "she speaks her mind, at least you know where you stand with her".  Sometimes we don't want or need to hear the garbage going through "her" mind.  We don't need to know "where we stand" with each other.  We need love given softly, freely, kindness shown, and instead of a sharp tongue, an encouraging word.  We use the unpleasant experiences we have had, to excuse our bad behavior towards each other.  It's a slippery slope...  And very convenient when we excuse our actions because of religion, depression, etc.  I've been there.  I've been depressed, exposed to religion in its good and bad forms, treated with intolerance.  I know how difficult it is to see past these things sometimes.  But, what would happen if we all were to try our hardest to simply be accepting and kind, understanding, regardless of what we are going thru or suffering, or choose to believe.  I am guilty of this myself, so I can speak honestly about it.  Relationships have come to mean everything to me, they are paramount in my life.  And I long to be surrounded by others who will join me in trying to give our relationships significant importance, above selfish desires and beyond malicious actions.  Beyond motive.  Beyond guile.

A banana is a yummy treat, who doesn't like an apple, an orange or a strawberry?  Eaten separately, each piece of fruit is satisfying and has its own distinct flavor.  But put them all together and viola, a delicious combination, touching every taste bud, unfolding elaborate flavors, a fruit salad, ambrosia.



  1. I love this post and I love you are many flavors in one!

  2. This life really is about learning humility and charity. The more experiences we have, the more we realize all we can do is love and forgive. sometimes it is very hard to do.
